ASSERTIVE Baytown Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Baytown Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Baytown, Texas offers many beautiful areas for residents to explore, but if you are crossing the street, walking in a parking lot, or going for a run, it’s important to stay visible and follow traffic laws to avoid accidents and injuries. Unfortunately, you may still get hurt as a pedestrian even if you take every precaution. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 104,000 pedestrians were treated for injuries in 2020 in the United States. If another person’s negligence for your safety causes your injuries, you may be entitled to file a claim and receive compensation for your losses.

At Mott & Moffett, our Baytown pedestrian accident attorneys aim to hold liable parties accountable for their actions and seek the justice pedestrian accident victims deserve. We take a compassionate and dedicated approach to creating a customized plan tailored to your needs and circumstances. This allows you to better understand your legal options and the decisions you have to make to achieve a successful outcome. Our Baytown pedestrian accident attorneys use our vast legal knowledge and refined skills to answer all your questions and give you a stress-free experience.

Who May Be Liable for a Pedestrian Accident in Baytown?

Pedestrian accidents often happen quickly, which may make it challenging to determine who caused the accident. Taking steps after the incident, like taking photos or videos, can make this process easier. Depending on the specific details of your case, the following parties could potentially be at fault:

  • Driver: A driver may be liable for your injuries if they drove recklessly, were distracted, under the influence, or ignored traffic laws.
  • Bicyclist: Bicyclists are subject to traffic laws, just like drivers, so if they fail to follow them and strike you, they could be responsible for your injuries.
  • Manufacturer: If a defective part in a vehicle causes a driver to hit you, the manufacturer may be liable for the accident.
  • Property owner or government agency: Property owners and government agencies are responsible for maintaining their property, which may include traffic signals. If traffic signals do not work and or poorly maintained roads cause a pedestrian accident, the owner may be liable.

When gathering and analyzing evidence, we will review every detail and obtain as much information as possible to build an effective claim and prove the liable party’s negligence directly caused your injuries and other damages. Due to these claims’ complicated and often confusing nature, we will negotiate on your behalf and work with insurance companies to ensure you do not receive an unfair portion of the blame for the accident.

Potentially Recoverable Damages for Texas Pedestrian Accident Claims

If you sustained injuries in a pedestrian accident, you might worry about treatment costs and other accommodations. Our determined pedestrian accident lawyers may help you recover the following damages based on the severity of your injuries and other details of your claim:

Economic Damages

Economic damages include tangible losses you incurred due to another person’s negligence. For example, medical bills, lost wages from missed work, and property damage are all included in economic damages. These costs are often more straightforward to calculate than non-economic damages.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are intangible losses that are more subjective. They may include pain and suffering, emotional distress, and reduced quality of life. These damages cannot be calculated using receipts or bills, so our Baytown pedestrian accident attorneys listen to your story and use our knowledge to determine your claim’s worth accurately.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are only awarded in instances in which the defendant acted with malicious intent. They serve as a punishment for the at-fault party instead of a reward for the victim. While you cannot request punitive damages, if the liable party acted maliciously, our Baytown pedestrian accident attorneys may help present evidence that proves their actions.

How Can a Baytown Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Help With Your Claim?

The aftermath of a pedestrian accident can be overwhelming, making it difficult to know how to protect your rights. Contacting a trusted pedestrian accident lawyer at Mott & Moffett significantly improves your chance of receiving the compensation you deserve. We handle every aspect of your claim, including the following:

  • Conducting a thorough investigation of your claim
  • Gathering and analyzing evidence
  • Identifying a liable party
  • Calculating your claim’s worth
  • Filing your claim properly
  • Negotiating with insurance companies
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Utilizing resources like medical professionals and accident reconstructionists
  • Answering all your legal questions
  • Taking your claim to court if necessary

After a pedestrian accident, Texas law only gives victims two years to file their claims. While this may seem like a long time, recovery and other delays can make it harder to meet his deadline yourself. Our efficient pedestrian accident lawyers allow you to focus on healing while we swiftly work on your claim so that you can receive compensation as quickly as possible.

Schedule a Free Consultation With a Reputable Baytown Pedestrian Accident Lawyer at Mott & Moffett

While walking in Baytown can be a great way to get around the city, pedestrians have significantly fewer protections than drivers, making them more susceptible to injuries if they get into an accident. If someone’s negligence caused you harm as a pedestrian, our professional team at Mott & Moffett is here to help you hold them accountable.

We have won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for Texas victims with our unmatched legal services and innovative solutions. Our supportive pedestrian accident lawyers take all the difficult tasks, like negotiating with insurance companies and filing your claim off your plate, so you can focus on recovery. While we try to settle your case out of court, we are prepared to go to trial if necessary. Give us a call at (888) 596-6582 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation.